Sunday, 3 November 2013

Finally's block case against thread and daemon

Thread vs Daemon
There is a fundamental difference between JVM thread and daemon. The easiest way to see it, is by reading Oracle's documentation regarding method setDaemon in Thread class. Let's see what JavaDoc says:
" (setDaemon method) Marks this thread as either a daemon thread or a user thread. The Java Virtual Machine exits when the only threads running are all daemon threads."

I guess is pretty obvious. When there are no 'user threads' or simply threads, spawned by a given JVM, JVM exits. 

Finally block
However there is one more gotcha there. It is the problem of finally block execution. Now, let's analyze Oracle's documentation devoted to finally block:
"The finally block always executes when the try block exits. This ensures that the finally block is executed even if an unexpected exception occurs. But finally is useful for more than just exception handling — it allows the programmer to avoid having cleanup code accidentally bypassed by a returncontinue, or break. Putting cleanup code in a finally block is always a good practice, even when no exceptions are anticipated."

Just below that general definition, there is an interesting note:
"Note: If the JVM exits while the try or catch code is being executed, then the finally block may not execute. Likewise, if the thread executing the try or catch code is interrupted or killed, the finally block may not execute even though the application as a whole continues."

Nice. I think, I am getting slightly confused, now. Moreover, Oracle gives another important note, at the end of the page, saying that finally block prevents from resource leaks: 
"Important: The finally block is a key tool for preventing resource leaks. When closing a file or otherwise recovering resources, place the code in a finally block to ensure that resource is always recovered."

So my question is, how finally block behaves, when daemon and thread are interrupted?

I prepared two, fairly simple examples. There is a SampleProcess class, which is intended to be run in background i.e. that is what newly spawned thread or daemon will do. It will be kicked off by the ProcessLauncher object from either ThreadRunner or DaemonRunner runner classes.

package common;

public class SampleProcess {

 public void start() {
  try {
   System.out.println("Sample process is going to sleep.");
  } finally {
   System.out.println("Sample process is running finally block.");

 private void sleep(long timeToSleep) {
  try {
  } catch (InterruptedException e1) {
   System.out.println("Sample process is running catch block for time to sleep = " + timeToSleep);
package common;

public class ProcessLauncher {

 public void launchAsThread() {
  this.launch("Thread", false);

 public void launchAsDaemon() {
  this.launch("Daemon", true);

 private void launch(String processName, boolean isDaemon) {

  Thread process = new Thread(){

   public void run() {
    new SampleProcess().start();
  System.out.println(processName + " runner is going to interrupt sample process.");
package daemon;

import common.ProcessLauncher;

public class DaemonRunner {

 public static void main(String[] args) {
  new ProcessLauncher().launchAsDaemon();
package thread;

import common.ProcessLauncher;

public class ThreadRunner {

 public static void main(String[] args) {
  new ProcessLauncher().launchAsThread();

And here are results for thread and daemon, respectively:
Thread runner is going to interrupt sample process.
Sample process is going to sleep.
Sample process is running catch block for time to sleep = 5000
Sample process is running finally block.

Process finished with exit code 0
Daemon runner is going to interrupt sample process.
Sample process is going to sleep.
Sample process is running catch block for time to sleep = 5000

Process finished with exit code 0

The important conclusion is fact that daemon processes are somewhat unsafe and misleading. They DO NOT ALWAYS run finally block, which prevents us from resource leaks. So, when JVM halts, it only waits for 'user threads' to be finished. Any remaining daemon threads are simply stopped. Finally blocks are not run - JVM just stops.

That is why, daemon threads should be used with at most care and prudence. Also, bear in mind that using daemons for tasks related to resource management (I/O) is walking on a thin ice.

You can find entire example on my GitHub account.

Saturday, 7 September 2013

Real options come into being in real life

About two weeks ago, I came back from my holidays, where I, my brother and our friend spent time wandering in the mountains. We love hiking and we have many friends sharing our passion. Having such a hobby, it is almost obvious that there would be a constant, informal competition between all of us. When we meet with our friends, we often spend time discussing different tracks, unexplored routes and places, transition times between places etc.

We know that three of us create quite strong and reliable team, where everybody can count on each other in difficult situation. We have proven that plenty of times and we know, what we can expect from each other. That is why we decided to break out our friends' records. We were aspiring to establish three records in terms of: longest track, longest time spent in the mountains walking and the biggest total elevation crossed during entire trip.
We chose a track and prepared gear to go out, in the evening. We got up at midnight and went out. At 6 am, we were sitting at the highest peak on our route, delighting in the sunrise, at the crack of dawn. We took vast amount of photos, made a GoPro movie and went further chasing our records. Nothing was bidding fair our breakdown. 

We started to feel lack of physical power and motivation at about 16th hour of our wandering. All of us knew that feeling. We were trying not to talk about it, as it might have depressed others even more quickly. However, the truth was that we ate all our food, snacks, sweets, fruit and recovery gels. We also drunk entire water, isotonic drinks and tea we had with us. Each of us was motivating others to walk, being on a last legs same time. We were extremely suffering from lack of mental and physical power.

The interesting thing is that when you are fed up with everything and you hate your decision about breaking records, you miss your bed and glass of water, then you can transform that internal anger and find some more mental strength. It was helping us with keeping on pushing forward. 

Having one hour left to our stop, a shelter, we met very tall guy, standing on tracks cross and checking something in a map. He asked us how long would it take to go down following track he was pointing to.
We had just looked on each other, silently agreeing that the tall guy was completely lost in the mountains. However, he was talking so fast, and was so convinced that he is in a totally different location that we gave up. We did not have enough energy to argue with him. We waited, when he finished and told him: "You are in wrong valley, mate. You have about four hours to get to the place you would like to be and additional one and a half to come down". We were persuading him that the only choice he had was to follow the route we would be going down. The tall guy told us that he could have done that path in about three hours, as he is training ultra marathon running. We said okay, you might be right, however bear in mind that sunset would be in top thirty minutes, you have no food and water in a just one third of your camel bag and that is not all. The most dangerous thing was a bear, which was living in the neighborhood and approaching tracks from time to time. The tall guy admitted it was pointless to go to the location he wanted to be and bearing in mind sunset, lack of food and unwanted hand shake with bear, he decided to take our piece of advice. He decided to run down along route we pointed to him.

Before he left, we gave him an option of coming down with us through the forest, as we know that track very well and we had head lights. Also, we said that we had to stay for twenty minutes in hostel to buy some water and at least one Snickers per person.

Initially, he was reluctant and decided to run down himself. However, when we reached the hostel he was waiting for us with his mind changed.
He found our option useful and decided to exercise it. All of us went down chatting and laughing. At the end, he offered us a lift home, which we took as a miracle, as we were extremely exhausted.

It was the other day, when I realized that we had offered the tall guy a real option. It was having all option's properties like: 

  • value
  • expiry date
  • event transforming an option to a commitment

Option's value is not that easy to estimate. But, when you spare a while, thinking about it, you would probably come to the conclusion that you do not need to know its exact value. Humans are good in comparing and prioritizing, but they tend not to give correct absolute values. Thus, comparing is very good technique of evaluation options. It was obvious that the only other choice the tall guy had was to spend a night in the mountains, hugging with the bear (if lucky enough). So, basic comparison of two options gave him a fairly good understanding of his priorities. He had chosen to go down safely.

Expiry date was actually determined by the last point he knew for sure we would be heading to - the hostel.

Transformation moment was a moment, when option stopped being something, which may happen in the future and became a commitment of following three, exhausted guys. He knew perfectly well, why he would exercised that option. It was better for the tall guy to go with us, instead of spending a night in the mountains.

The conclusion is simple: real options are everywhere. They surround us. The only thing we need to do is to start thinking about them and seeing them. 
The most important lesson learnt for me is fact that even in very difficult situation, in unfavorable conditions and being on a last legs, one can still come up with a real option, which might be exercised.

Sunday, 11 August 2013

Wrestling with Singleton (Logger) - round 3

Singletons have many faces. One of them is logging mechanism. Before we start having a deeper look into entire case, let's go straight away to a simple example, to set some context.
package com.korczak.oskar.refactoring.singleton.logger.before;

import com.korczak.oskar.refactoring.singleton.logger.Engine;
import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
import org.mockito.InjectMocks;
import org.mockito.Mock;
import org.mockito.runners.MockitoJUnitRunner;
import org.testng.annotations.BeforeMethod;
import org.testng.annotations.Test;

import static org.mockito.Mockito.verify;
import static org.mockito.MockitoAnnotations.initMocks;

public class CarTest {

 @Mock private Engine engine;
 @InjectMocks private Car car;

 public void setUp() {

 public void shouldRunEngine() {


 public void shouldStopEngine() {

package com.korczak.oskar.refactoring.singleton.logger.before;

import com.korczak.oskar.refactoring.singleton.logger.Engine;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

public class Car {

 private Logger carLogger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Car.class);

 private Engine engine;

 public Car(Engine engine){
  this.engine = engine;

 public void start(){;"Engine is running.");

 public void stop(){
  engine.stop();"Engine is stopped.");
We can also assume that above snippet is actually a part of, so called, fairly decent application, which is logging everything everywhere, so to speak.

What can you tell about such an application?
Is there anything particular, which is stemming out from our imaginary application?
It may look like to somewhat silly task, but unfortunately it has very deep implications, in terms of design, solving production issues, sometimes performance, overall usage and approach. It is quite a few things tangled to logging, as such.

First of all, let's decompose above snippet with attention to some basic facts:
  • Static logger is a singleton
  • Breach of unit test definition i.e. system under test is writing to file/console
  • Lack of readability to some extent
  • A bit of noise in business logic
Now, let's discuss above points a bit further and infer some more, useful information.

Logger is a Singleton
Logger is created via static call and a Singleton is returned. However, it is not that bad, as we are only writing to Singleton and never reading from it. It means we are not exploiting a global state introduced in our JVM by Singleton. On the other hand, it is worth bearing in mind that static call means no seams. There are two direct implications of that: 
  • untested production code, as there are no seams
  • message will be logged anyway during running tests

Unit test definition breach
That is how we came to the second fact related to unit tests.
Michael Feathers defines unit tests as: 

A test is not a unit test if:

  • It talks to the database
  • It communicates across the network
  • It touches the file system
  • It can't run at the same time as any of your other unit tests
  • You have to do special things to your environment (such as editing config files) to run it.

  • I suppose we can agree that above test is an integration one, rather then a unit sort of thing. Feathers's definition sticks to what people understand under unit test term. 
    Why don't we finally admit that so called unit tests, which are logging information to a file/console whatever, are in fact a decent integration tests. Full stop.

    What is the business related reason?
    Going further one can focus on a business reason in that whole tangled situation and answer a question: is there any business related reason to log particular information in particular place?
    The most common answer would be that by logging we mean sending a message from application to whoever is browsing logs. Usually, it would be two main groups of recipients: L1/L2 and L3/testes/developers teams. 
    L1/L2 guys would like to see only nasty things happening in a given application e.g. errors, alerts and perhaps warnings. On the other hand, L3/testers/developers would like to see a bit more i.e. states generated by application during its processing etc. It is worth reiterating that none of them is a business person.

    When we dig a bit deeper and ask what is the underlying principle of logging, we will probably come to below two points:
    • log a state of processed unit
    • say 'I was here' or 'I have chosen that path in you application logic'
    Above things tell us where we are and are often called diagnostic reasons/purposes. They share a common feature that none of them is driven by any business requirement. Let's be honest, business people are not reading logs. They can only read spreadsheets, but you probably know that already, I suppose.

    Readability and noise
    Unfortunately, logging affects a bit negatively the overall readability of business logic. It adds additional noise and clutters codebase, when it is overused.

    How it might be done?
    The easiest might be to imagine an event driven system, where an event comes in, it is being processed and some final response is sent. As it was pointed, logging would be used for diagnostic purposes. If yes, I am questioning the logger usage, almost at all. Why don't we change our applications design so that it can monitor, diagnose and track the state of all, incoming events itself? 
    I already can hear answers: 'it is too much effort', 'we don't need it' or better one 'our project is different'. ;)
    Partially, it might be true and I agree it is pointless, in some trivial cases, to build errors aware applications for your younger sister's diary application, although still it is worth at least considering it in some larger projects. 
    Also, don't get me wrong, if there is a clear business drive for having something logged, just do it. The only thing I am asking to remember is fact that logging is a sort of contract between application and whoever is reading logs. If there is a business need for having some log entry, simply test it. 

    When you have self aware system in place and an issue occurs, you may ask your application for some useful 'diagnostic information' (including states) on demand via say REST API or whatever. 

    Implementing that sort of approach is in fact a win-win situation for all project stakeholders. Not only L3 and developers are able to deal with errors in processing, but also testers, L1, L2 teams are able to do that. Even BAs start analyzing and solving some burning questions themselves. 
    In a long run, it is less work for busy developers, everybody can leverage and use diagnostic information. What's even more important, the knowledge and the responsibility is shared across entire team/stakeholders. It only requires two things: 
    1. Stop logging everything in the log files
    2. Add sort of issues memory or events state memory to your system
    The first step here is to start testing logging in your applications. Try to make logger a collaborator of your class, not a static call and use it where it is really necessary. 
    Testing logging enforces thinking about every single message, which might be potentially logged. Additional effort spent on writing test for logger, should actually drive aware developer through all above concerns, helping to understand the business reason behind particular piece of code.
    package com.korczak.oskar.refactoring.singleton.logger.after;
    import com.korczak.oskar.refactoring.singleton.logger.Engine;
    import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
    import org.mockito.ArgumentCaptor;
    import org.mockito.Captor;
    import org.mockito.InjectMocks;
    import org.mockito.Mock;
    import org.mockito.runners.MockitoJUnitRunner;
    import org.slf4j.Logger;
    import org.testng.annotations.BeforeMethod;
    import org.testng.annotations.Test;
    import static org.mockito.Mockito.verify;
    import static org.mockito.MockitoAnnotations.initMocks;
    import static org.testng.AssertJUnit.assertEquals;
    public class DecentCarTest {
     @Mock private Engine engine;
     @Mock private Logger decentCarLogger;
     @InjectMocks private DecentCar decentCar;
     @Captor private ArgumentCaptor argument;
     public void initializeMocks() {
      argument = ArgumentCaptor.forClass(String.class);
     public void shouldRunEngineAndLogMessage() {
      assertEquals("Engine is running.", argument.getValue());
     public void shouldStopEngineAndLogMessage() {
      assertEquals("Engine is stopped.", argument.getValue());
    package com.korczak.oskar.refactoring.singleton.logger.after;
    import com.korczak.oskar.refactoring.singleton.logger.Engine;
    import org.slf4j.Logger;
    public class DecentCar {
     private Engine engine;
     private Logger decentCarLogger;
     public DecentCar(Engine engine, Logger decentCarLogger){
      this.engine = engine;
      this.decentCarLogger = decentCarLogger;
     public void start(){;"Engine is running.");
     public void stop(){
      engine.stop();"Engine is stopped.");

    You can find entire example on my GitHub account.

    Round three is finished.

    Friday, 21 June 2013

    Wrestling with Singleton - round 2

    Here comes the time for round 2 of our fight with Singleton. This time, we will try to get rid off unwanted, hard-wired dependency, by applying Michael Feathers's trick. 

    During first round, we used a simple, wrapping mechanism, enabling developer to disjoin Singleton from class under test. Although it is not complicated, it does amend production code in few places. What Michael Feathers has suggested in his book "Working Effectively with Legacy Code", is a slightly different approach. It also does changes in production code, but just in Singleton class itself. One may say it is a less invasive way of dealing with that sort of problem.
    Anyway, let's get started in the same place, we started last time:

    public class PropertiesCache {
     private static PropertiesCache instance = new PropertiesCache();
     private PropertiesCache() {
     public static PropertiesCache getInstance() {
      return instance;
     public boolean overrideWith(File fileProperties) {
      return someWeirdComplicatedFilePropertiesLogic(fileProperties);
     private boolean someWeirdComplicatedFilePropertiesLogic(File fileProperties) {
      if (fileProperties.length() % 2 == 0) {
       return true;
      return false;
    public class SamplePropertiesCacheUsage {
     public boolean overrideExistingCachePropertiesWith(File fileProperties){
      PropertiesCache cachedProperties = PropertiesCache.getInstance();
      return cachedProperties.overrideWith(fileProperties);
    I added a static setter to PropertiesCache class using InteliJ tool called: code - generate setter. Second move is a manual change of constructor's modifier: from private to protected.
    public class PropertiesCache {
     private static PropertiesCache instance = new PropertiesCache();
     protected PropertiesCache() {
     public static PropertiesCache getInstance() {
      return instance;
     public static void setInstance(PropertiesCache instance) {
      PropertiesCache.instance = instance;
     public boolean overrideWith(File fileProperties) {
      return someWeirdComplicatedFilePropertiesLogic(fileProperties);
     private boolean someWeirdComplicatedFilePropertiesLogic(File fileProperties) {
      if (fileProperties.length() % 2 == 0) {
       return true;
      return false;
    Now, I created two classes inheriting from the Singleton. They stub the overrideWith method. As you can see, there is also a simple, but valuable test created.
    public class StubbedForTruePropertiesCache extends PropertiesCache {
     public boolean overrideWith(File fileProperties) {
      return true;
    public class StubbedForFalsePropertiesCache extends PropertiesCache {
     public boolean overrideWith(File fileProperties) {
      return false;
    public class SamplePropertiesCacheUsageTest {
     private File dummyFileProperties;
     private SamplePropertiesCacheUsage propertiesCache;
     public void setUp() {
      dummyFileProperties = new File("");
      propertiesCache = new SamplePropertiesCacheUsage();
     public void shouldReturnTrueDueToWeirdInternalSingletonLogic() {
      PropertiesCache.setInstance(new StubbedForTruePropertiesCache());
      boolean result = propertiesCache.overrideExistingCachePropertiesWith(dummyFileProperties);
      assertThat(result, is(equalTo(TRUE)));
     public void shouldReturnFalseDueToWeirdInternalSingletonLogic() {
      PropertiesCache.setInstance(new StubbedForFalsePropertiesCache());
      boolean result = propertiesCache.overrideExistingCachePropertiesWith(dummyFileProperties);
      assertThat(result, is(equalTo(FALSE)));
    That's all. We have relaxed the coupling between Singleton and system under test. We have tests. Design is also improved a bit. We reached our goal.

    As previously, you can find entire refactoring exercise on my GitHub account.

    Round two is finished.

    Sunday, 26 May 2013

    Wrestling with Singleton - Round 1

    How many times you were dealing with Singletons in your codebase. To be frank, it has been always a problem to properly understand the nature of Singleton, its usage and refactoring methods. Singleton, as such is not an embodied evil. It is rather the usage that developers think they "design". 

    In order to fully understand the problem, let's have a quick look on Gang of Four (GoF) Singleton definition:
    "Ensure a class only has one instance, and provide a global point of access to it.". 
    The big hoo-ha is focusing on second part of above definition: "... providing a global point of access to it (to a single object).". In GoF's implementation, they provided a global point of access, by taking the advantage of static getInstance() method. While it perfectly well fulfills assumptions and leading concept of Singleton definition, it also introduces "an extra, unwanted feature" i.e. a global state visible to every class. 

    Well, some pesky guy, with devil-may-care attitude may say, so what! Apparently nothing, however I can bet that such a smart alec has never written a single line of unit test, especially in legacy code. The thing is people invented Singleton pattern to maintain a single instance of the object among the entire set of object graphs aka an application. Providing a global access point in a correct way is slightly more tricky to materialize, than just using static getInstance() method. However, it is still feasible to do it in a right way.

    Have you ever thought, why nobody finds faults with Spring or with any other Dependency Injection (DI) framework? People do not moan about DIs libraries, even though there is a way to make an object a singleton. Now, it sounds odd! In fact, the answer is hidden in lowercase singleton. Spring is able to create, maintain and inject a singleton object, without exposing it as a global state. It is worth to notice that Spring deals with Singleton problem, correctly. It not only meets GoFs definition without adding any unnecessary burden i.e. no static getInstance() method, but also provides desired inversion of control. It is an xml configuration, which is enabling us to mark a bean as a singleton and that is it. If you want to use it, you will have to inject it, as any other bean via constructor, setter or field. DI framework, in its construction, promotes testability by enforcing the concept of seam.

    If you are a bit nosy person, you should ask this sort of question: is it the only, correct way I can use singletons? Obviously, the answer is: no, it is not. The reason why DI framework makes better use of singletons is the fact that it combines single instance of some class with dependency injection.
    If you do not want to use Spring for some reason or it is simply an overkill for your solution, then there are at least two ways you can choose. You can either use the 'wrap the Singleton' or 'inherit from singleton' approach. In this article, I will focus on the former one. In a nutshell, it is a dependency injection for poor man going along with Singleton. Incidentally, it is quite powerful technique, when it comes to legacy code refactoringLet's have a look on a model GoF's implementation of Singleton pattern and its usage in sample legacy code: 

       public class PropertiesCache {
    	private static PropertiesCache instance = new PropertiesCache();
    	private PropertiesCache() {
    	public static PropertiesCache getInstance() {
    		return instance;
    	public void overrideWith(File fileProperties) {
    		// some logic comes here
    public class SamplePropertiesCacheUsage {
    	public void overrideExistingCachePropertiesWith(File fileProperties){
    		PropertiesCache cachedProperties = PropertiesCache.getInstance();

    It is a very simple and extremely common scenario, which shows the tight coupling between SamplePropertiesCacheUsage and Singleton classes. Bear in mind that Singleton might be quite substantial in size, as it is a properties cache, all in all. Moreover, some cunning developer before you, might have armed Singleton with quite a few "handy methods" for loading properties from file, merging them from different sources applying precedence policies on a top of that etc. Generally speaking, nothing pleasant and it is you, who have to wrestle with that code, now.

    Let's assume that our goal is to get rid off that tight dependency to Singleton. Second, more implicit assumption is that our IDE will slightly change Singleton call in our production code.

    Okay, let's get started. First thing we should do is to look for test for SamplePropertiesCacheUsage. Wait a second, but we are going to start our digging in legacy code, so do not even bother to look for any test. It might have been quite difficult to write such test for developer, anyway. As a matter of fact, we quickly found that we have to refactor using IDE's built in methods.

    In my InteliJ IDE it will be a few steps process. First of all, let's extract a private method called getInstance(), encapsulating Singleton static call. This method is not static, any more.
    public class SamplePropertiesCacheUsage {
    	public void overrideExistingCachePropertiesWith(File fileProperties){
    		PropertiesCache cachedProperties = getInstance();
    	private PropertiesCache getInstance() {
    		return PropertiesCache.getInstance();

    Our next step will be to extract a PropertiesCacheWrapper class with public getInstance() method, from SamplePropertiesCacheUsage Singleton client.
    public class SamplePropertiesCacheUsage {
    	private PropertiesCacheWrapper propertiesCacheWrapper = new PropertiesCacheWrapper();
    	public void overrideExistingCachePropertiesWith(File fileProperties){
    		PropertiesCache cachedProperties = propertiesCacheWrapper.getInstance();
    	private PropertiesCache getInstance() {
    		return propertiesCacheWrapper.getInstance();
    public class PropertiesCacheWrapper {
    	public PropertiesCacheWrapper() {
    	public PropertiesCache getInstance() {
    		return PropertiesCache.getInstance();

    Now, it is time for initializing propertiesCacheWrapper field in the constructor. You may also need to manually delete inlined initialization of propertiesCacheWrapper field. 
    This is actually the moment, when the injection of PropertiesCacheWrapper happens.

    public class SamplePropertiesCacheUsage {
    	private PropertiesCacheWrapper propertiesCacheWrapper;
    	public SamplePropertiesCacheUsage(PropertiesCacheWrapper aPropertiesCacheWrapper) {
    		propertiesCacheWrapper = aPropertiesCacheWrapper;
    	public void overrideExistingCachePropertiesWith(File fileProperties){
    		PropertiesCache cachedProperties = propertiesCacheWrapper.getInstance();
    	private PropertiesCache getInstance() {
    		return propertiesCacheWrapper.getInstance();

    As a last step, we may delete getInstance() method from SamplePropertiesCacheUsage, as it is no longer used.
    public class SamplePropertiesCacheUsage {
    	private PropertiesCacheWrapper propertiesCacheWrapper;
    	public SamplePropertiesCacheUsage(PropertiesCacheWrapper aPropertiesCacheWrapper) {
    		propertiesCacheWrapper = aPropertiesCacheWrapper;
    	public void overrideExistingCachePropertiesWith(File fileProperties){
    		PropertiesCache cachedProperties = propertiesCacheWrapper.getInstance();

    Let's have a look on what happened. Now, we have Singleton invocation wrapped in a separate class. What is more, SamplePropertiesCacheUsage class does have a constructor type seam, which is used to inject  PropertiesCacheWrapper. The code is now at least testable, so we are able to write a test for SamplePropertiesCacheUsage class.

    public class SamplePropertiesCacheUsageTest {
    	@Mock private PropertiesCache cachedProperties;
    	@Mock private PropertiesCacheWrapper propertiesCacheWrapper;
    	@Mock private File file;
    	public void initializeMocks() {
    	public void shouldOverrideExistingPropertiesWithFileProperties() {
    		SamplePropertiesCacheUsage samplePropertiesCacheUsage = new SamplePropertiesCacheUsage(propertiesCacheWrapper);

    Everything looks good, now. We have a unit test describing SamplePropertiesCacheUsage class, which was previously using static call to Singleton class. We also got rid off tight dependency to Singleton. 

    You can find entire refactoring exercise on my GitHub account.

    Round one is finished.

    Sunday, 7 April 2013

    Definition of Decent Failure

    Being software developer and failing seems to be inseparable. Is it right or wrong? Is it something we should worry about? Is it really inscribed into developers every day life? Does it affect only us, developers? What does failing mean? When is it good to fail? Can we always fail?

    Well, one may say that my questions look more like existential considerations of philosophy students, rather than a topic for a blog post. By and large, it would be a correct statement, however there is a subtle thread connecting software development and failures, which is leading me to these questions.

    Life means development
    Eastern explanation style will definitely try to do two things:
    • use outside-in approach (deduction)
    • try to percept a life from the perspective of what it can bring to us.
    There is one thing we constantly should try to do in life. It is a self development. One of the most expressive and direct examples of such a philosophy, were Japanese warriors. They were spending whole days mastering their skills, so that they were better prepared to serve their masters and for inevitable situations like life, fight or death.

    Development means progress
    Going further, that self-development clearly meant progress. It was progress not only in terms of physical skills, but also in terms of mental strength, world comprehension and the sense of life.

    Progress means series of experiments
    Samurais knew perfectly well that their progress was depending on their hard and tough training, topped with dealing with unusual and unpredictable situations. These peculiar situations were in fact devoted to testing and verifying theories, processes, phenomenons and hypothesis they were thought during their life. 
    The most valuable warriors could shift all what they learnt into series of experiments, so that they could prove themselves and their knowledge. It means that most distinguished samurais were experimenters.

    Series of experiments mean experience
    However, not only that. Samurais were also experienced and educated people in many aspects. 
    There is an interesting intuition related to experience, among people, namely old age and hoar. Aged warriors were considered as privileged people, following at least below rules: 
    • there are many paths leading to the same place
    • choose the right path (minimize the risk of loosing life, health, family etc.)
    These two, rather obvious statements, are barely prerequisites to the most instructive parts of each experiment i.e. a path and a result. Therefore, from the very beginning samurai's were made sensitive to two observations:
    • each valuable experiment has a result
    • experiment without any result is a pure waste.
    It means that every, single action should have an effect. An effort without any result is waste of time, energy and resources.

    Experience means failures
    Going further, every result can have one of two values: true or false. Incidentally, it is worth to think about experiment in terms of test. Test is a scenario, which exercises some idea, question or system and evaluates to a result. 
    One may ask, which result value is better: true or false? Hmm ... that's actually a very good concern. Let's ponder on it for a while then. 
    The result, which is true, shows you that hypothesis you have in mind, is correct. Also, it shows that path you have chosen was not too severe comparing to your current level of experience. It confirms your believes. On the other hand, result equal to false, is showing you much more. It tells you that your assumption was wrong. In the samurais' world, every situation in which they failed and were not causing too much damage to themselves, family and other people or things was invaluable. Why? Because, by failing they did a recon of area they were unsure, hopefully with low cost (e.g. few bruises or broken ribs). By failing in a relatively safe way, they lower the risk of entering unknown area in the future. 

    Fail early, fail often, fail fast with decent failure
    Samurais' were able to see a value in discovering limitations and risky areas. They greatly appreciated early intelligence and impact of actions they did. That is why, they were mastering their skills on a daily basis. Tough and repeatable training, body memory, permanent checks of their mental and physical limitations, fights with bokkens instead of katanas, self defense without weapon and against weapon etc. All of that were tests in isolated context, aiming to train and solve difficult and unusual situations, as well as common manoeuvres happening on a battle field. They were treating their body as system, which needs to be under constant test. By looking at that problem from different angles and considering many aspects of each perspective, they were hardening their minds, bodies and hearts for ultimate test - real life. 

    All in all, failing seems to be a good thing. However, we have to bear in mind that we cannot just fail. It has to be a controlled failure, something which I call a decent failure. In fact, it is a regular failure holding three, below properties: 
    • early - saving time, don't go through all process to get a feedback
    • often - frequent feedback
    • fast - short feedback loop

    Be okay with the decent failure
    Having a decent failures mechanism in place is actually great success!! Decent failure is the best thing you can experience, as it shows you all your limitations and pins down the problem in a safe and quick manner.

    Friday, 8 March 2013

    German General von Manstein about Agile

    Fifth principle of Agile Manifesto says: 

    "Build projects around motivated individuals. 
    Give them the environment and support they need, 
    and trust them to get the job done."

    Before you build a project or to be more specific a team, you have to choose 'motivated individuals'. Above rule is just a general guideline, not telling you anything how to do it. So the question, related to the way of choosing motivated people, remains open and is somewhat worrisome, as we still do not have a simple and clear protocol how to do it. 
    To be fairly honest, it is always hard to give one, neat and concise rule describing what to do. However, instead of that I will quote German's general, von Manstein of the German Officer Corps, rule to be used as a tool for choosing motivated employees. 
    Von Manstein used to divide his soliders into four groups:

    1. Lazy and stupid - leave them alone, as they are doing no harm
    2. Hardworking and intelligent - they would be an excellent staff officers, they can ensure that every detail is properly introduced and considered
    3. Lazy and intelligent - these are people suited for the highest office
    4. Hardworking and stupid - they are a menace, who should be fired at once, as they create and add irrelevant work for everybody aka "cannon fodder"

    The rule is rigid and acute not living any space for people being in between.
    It is not the most detailed approach, however we can leverage its features, anyway. It can be treated more like a filter, rather than just a simple rule. It gives us some view on who we should avoid. It also tells us about rough activities and positions people may hold.
    It is not the best rule allowing you to choose 'motivated individuals' , but it is definitely the very first step on that path. 

    The Pareto Principle
    It's also worth to know Pareto Principle, which says: 
    "80% of your results will come from 20% of your efforts".
    It means that you need to work hard to identify 20% of things you do, which generate 80% of what you do. In other words, this principle teaches us how to be lazy and not to fall into the activity trap. Be honest with yourself, nobody cares how busy you are, they just do care what you produce. You don't have to work hard. It's better to decide, what NOT to do, so that you have more time for valuable 20% of your core activities, which gives you 80% of return of your time investment (ROI).

    Self Assesment
    So what you can do now, is to assess your position against von Manstein and Pareto principles and see where you are. Sometimes it might be very painful process, but definitely it's worth doing that. If you are finding yourself too low in hierarchy and you are willing to pull yourself up a bit try below clues:

    • Don’t try to keep all people happy all the time
    • Have a work plan managing your time
    • Practice saying “no”
    • Don't stuck in one square, say Smart and Hardworking. Try to improve yourself, change your character, so that you will be eligible for another square: Smart and Lazy. Train your laziness in an intelligent and smart way.

    Sunday, 10 February 2013

    Awaitility - testing asynchronous calls in Java

    Asynchronicity plays an important role in systems we develop, nowadays. Below are examples, where we are using asynchronous operations, almost on a daily basis, in our systems:
    • writing to cache with asynchronous write to database behind the scenes or otherwise
    • JMS queues or topics, which are asynchronous itself
    • retrieving data from external systems in asynchronous way
    Asynchronous operations are often used for caching data in order to decrease the number of expensive calls to: database, webservice etc. There are also mutations of above caching approach. For instance, one may combine sending time consuming or complicated algorithmic operations to JMS queue (asynchronous system). Later on, when results of such an intensive operation/algorithm would be available, it might be simply cached in a local in-memory storage. Next time, when user would try to fetch same data, it will be fast and easy for her to retrieve previously calculated results from cache. Such an approach, gives you an ability to build very fast, scaleable, flexible and user friendly applications/GUIs.
    However, there is one caveat here. It is quite difficult to test such an asynchronous system. If we like to do it from scratch, we will need to provide some threads' handlers, timeouts and generally deal with concurrency, which makes the whole test more obscure and less focused on business principles ruling the entire system. If above situation is true, it means that we found a niche and basically a need for some library to handle our problem. 
    The answer for our headache is Awaitility. It's a quite simple and powerful, Java based library, to test asynchronous calls. Moreover, it does have a concise and expressive DSL to define expectations.

    Now, let's see Awaitility in action. 
    I wrote a simple application, which is available on GitHub. The basic idea is that there is a DelayedFileCreator class, which is responsible for creating a file on a filesystem. It also tries to mimic an expensive and time consuming calculations, by time delay. Important thing is a result of that operation. This sort of asynchronous calls are having either a state returned or they cause a change of state somewhere else - in our case it is a newly created file on a filesystem. 

    package asynchronousexample;
    public class DelayedFileCreator implements Runnable {
     private static final int THREE_SECONDS = 3000;
     private File file;
     private Timer timer;
     public DelayedFileCreator(Timer aTimer, File aFile) {
      timer = aTimer;
      file = aFile;
     public void run() {
     private void sleepBeforeCreatingFile() {
      try {
      } catch (InterruptedException ie) {
       throw new RuntimeException(ie);
     private void createNewFile() {
      try {
      } catch (IOException ioe) {
       throw new RuntimeException(ioe);
    Ideally, we would like to be able to write a test, which invokes overridden method run(), waits until it is done and asserts the result of asynchronous operation. Awaitility hits the nail on the head. Below example shows an integration test, using nice and readable DSL, to assert the result.

    package integration;
    import asynchronousexample.AsynchronousTaskLauncher;
    import asynchronousexample.DelayedFileCreator;
    import asynchronousexample.Timer;
    import org.testng.annotations.BeforeTest;
    import org.testng.annotations.Test;
    import java.util.concurrent.Callable;
    import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService;
    import java.util.concurrent.Executors;
    import static com.jayway.awaitility.Awaitility.with;
    import static com.jayway.awaitility.Duration.ONE_HUNDRED_MILLISECONDS;
    import static com.jayway.awaitility.Duration.TEN_SECONDS;
    import static com.jayway.awaitility.Duration.TWO_HUNDRED_MILLISECONDS;
    import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.equalTo;
    public class CreateFileAsynchronouslyIntegrationTest {
     private static final int THREAD_POOL_SIZE = 3;
     private static final String FILENAME = "sample.txt";
     public void deleteFileFromFileSystem() {
      File file = new File(FILENAME);
      if (file.exists()) {
     public void shouldAsynchronouslyWriteFileOnDisk() throws Exception {
      AsynchronousTaskLauncher launcher = prepareAsynchronousTaskLauncher();
      Runnable delayedFileCreatorTask = prepareDelayedFileCreatorWith(FILENAME);
        .await("file creation")
        .until(fileIsCreatedOnDisk(FILENAME), equalTo(true));
     private Runnable prepareDelayedFileCreatorWith(String filename) {
      Timer timer = new Timer();
      File file = new File(filename);
      return new DelayedFileCreator(timer, file);
     private AsynchronousTaskLauncher prepareAsynchronousTaskLauncher() {
      ExecutorService executorService = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(THREAD_POOL_SIZE);
      return new AsynchronousTaskLauncher(executorService);
     private Callable fileIsCreatedOnDisk(final String filename) {
      return new Callable() {
       public Boolean call() throws Exception {
        File file = new File(filename);
        return file.exists();
    The whole beauty lies in readability and expressiveness of Awaitility. We do not have to take care about threads' handling, concurrency aspects etc. Everything is being done by Awaitility. 

    I really encourage you to use this small, but very handy library to test your asynchronous calls. 

    Monday, 28 January 2013

    Tuesday, 15 January 2013

    The A Team has A players

    I think, we all know that universities' programmes do not conform well to  industry requirements. I would be even tempted to state that computer science and IT are the most vulnerable subjects, in terms of coherence between what is taught and what is required. Basically, teaching too much science can affect industry skills. What I mean is a proportion of industry to science skills (I/S). To my mind, it should be close to 1:1 proportion. In fact, we often observe much higher contribution of science, comparing to industry one. My guess, based on my private research, would be that nowadays the ratio is floating somewhere between 1:4 to 2:3.

    To be clear, I have nothing against science. I am even extremely keen on science from my childhood. What's more, I always saw a huge value in being open minded and having analytical skills. 
    On the other hand, some knowledge of current, top industry technologies, approaches and tricks is of at most importance. These are your tools. You will be using them on a daily basis. You have to know how to use them!

    Okay, rather than grumbling and ranting, let's go straight to the definition of set of requirements and skills necessary in industry. Incidentally, these might be things necessary in science, as well. 
    Below requirements were initially defined and put together by Wojtek Seliga, but then enriched in few places by me:

    Basic programming skills:
    - java.util.concurrent package
    - GC (how it works, types)
    - Socket programming and threads
    - TCP/IP, HTTP (Basic Auth, Cookies, Session)
    - Scalability - how to build scalable apps
    - Performance - how and when to pay attention for performance
    - Transactions - types of transactions
    - CAP rule

    Java Core:
    - interface, class
    - composition, inheritance
    - collections
    - complex types, algorithms
    - hash code, searching complexity, putting complexity
    - concurrency (thread, monitor, synchronization different approaches, semaphore, cyclic barrier, latch)
    - streams
    - immutability (thread safe, object pools)
    - reflection, AOP, byte code manipulation, generation, dynamic proxy - it explains how dependency injections frameworks, testing libraries work
    - Web technologies stack: Struts, Filter, Servlet, Server socket (socket bind accept)

    - JDK a lot of classes, on the other hand, not so many to scroll down and eyeball check
    - Guava - very good library
    - Apache Utils
    - Yoda Time - don't use Date and Calendar
    - Spring, Nano, Pico, Guice - as dependency injection frameworks

    - know some IDE (keyboard shortcuts, IDE shouldn't slow you down)
    - debugger (not System.out.println all over the place)
    - profiler (bottleneck, deadlock)
    - internet traffic analyzer (WireShark, Fiddler), FireBug

    - Effective Java 2nd edition (Joshua Bloch) - after reading you think you know everything
    - Java concurrency in practice - after reading you think you know nothing

    - intelligent, smart, active
    - willing to change and go out from his comfort zone
    - looks for new technologies, experience, A players are not worried to suggest something new, because even if new idea wouldn't work they learn on their own mistakes
    - they have high self esteem (often times it's correct)
    - they can often find a job
    - pragmatic
    - there is some 'public track' of them in the internet (forums, blogs, conferences, twitter etc.)

    So these are things and topics required by companies from people they are hiring. Now think, how many of these you were taught at university and how many of them you were taught and you know on a decent level. 

    Good Recruiter
    We were talking about proper set of skills for new joiner. Now let's think about person I call a good recruiter and let's analyze his approach to a candidate. A good recruiter is somebody, who is able quickly and honestly estimate the level of developer. So how they think?
    First of all, small companies pays attention for knowledge. Secondly, the most important language in IT is English. It is a sort of must be nowadays and at least good command of English is essential. The candidate should also have a correct financial self esteem and knowledge of market trends at his work. A good recruiter should also check skills, which developer will be using all the time at work i.e.:
    - naming variables and methods,
    - IDE knowledge, 
    - way of writing tests
    - refactoring

    These are things, which new developer will be coming across on a daily basis and these sort of things should be checked. Please, give me a break with intelligence tests and questions about falling bulb from the skyscraper etc. It's all pointless! Check real skills, which will be used in real life, not some artificially invented questions to show off to the recruited person.

    The best boss is the most stupid person in company
    There is also a concept of A players. Companies should hire only A and A+ players. 
    A players have rightly high self esteem. That's why the best boss is the most stupid boss, as he knows that only by hiring people better than himself, he will be able to build valuable company.
    B players are scared a bit. They don't know what other will say. They are a bit lost. B player is hiring weaker, than himself.
    C players - misery.

    People tend to blindly repeat that developer is the most precious asset of the company. 
    If yes, why companies are rising salary when precious developer is quitting?
    If developer is so important, stop your most significant project and put the best people (A and A+) to interview, because you can loose cool guy, who is waiting for his turn out there. He will pay off 100 times anyway.

    What we see in reality is that companies are sending whoever to interview new, fresh blood to the company. Is it the right move? Is it how it should be done? Definitely not.
    If company really truly believes that developer is the most important asset for them, they should use their best people to recruit others. 

    Remember: The A team has only A players.